I have just googled a keyword i know that will pull the website i am looking for, success. I click the first hyperlink at the top of the page to send me to the site.
In a second i am confronted with a clean, sensual canvas of content. The old style of the grid married with the technology of hypertext. I drag the corner of the web browser to see the responsive nature, the percentages and the graceful degrading of the website is eye candy. The way the toolbar changes from one line to two lines and then a cheeky switch to a columnar grid. I go all the way, width at 640 picels, smart phone territory. A ping of pleasure as the ads have decided that their presence is no longer required, I am alone with the content. – No one is reading this -. I pull the browser back out with a slight pause at the width i would be viewing it with a tablet, only a slight change of design from the website at full width but the differences are apparent. Images have retracted ever so slightly within their frame, the columns have begun their descent from their full width.
I quietly ponder if i change the wikipedia article on evolution to have a link of this website, would it be inaccurate?
As a digital design enthusiast, It’s this sort of creativity in websites like this that remind me the internet – unlike the universe – is not slowing down, if we can have such a massive leap from HTML 4.01 to HTML5, what is HTML10 going to bring to the table?